We know pretty certain from public records and auto sales how many cars are in the United States, but have you ever wondered how many car washes are available to wash all those cars? With the long lines at the carwash it often appears the answer is, Not Enough! What is interesting is that in the carwash industry even the industrys own surveys often disagree.
Many people call Conveyor car washes those full-serve types. I think the estimates are between 17,000 to 26,000 in US 50 states and 4 territories. And they say there are 35,000 Coin-ops. 35,000 rollovers. Now are there duplicates of rollovers at coin-ops? YES. Is that considered? Maybe, depends on the carwash self proclaimed Guru and which anal-ist report you are looking at? But judging by these numbers the 10% number for full-service car washes could be close to accurate and is why you have to wait in line for a good decent carwash. This trend shows that the other types of carwashes are outpacing conveyor systems, bummer for the carwash clientele that want a complete full wash with great service. But like the steel industry, it is only because they are costly and have not adapted along the way very much, except for the new old man Hanna Carwash Systems, have some new stuff, which actually washes the car, better.
We need better conveyor systems in the US to handle cars with spoilers and ground effects, dually pickups and wide tires on SUVs, Hummers etc. These types of cars make up 15% of the US car market, but 25% of those who most often care about how their vehicle looks, Any manufacturing company which denies this market to go after the other 75% of the market is foolish, because with minor modifications in design, you could service the whole thing. How? Well use a people mover concept with a pop-up system to catch tires and pull car, truck, SUV thru, if you had these all over the conveyor system then you would prevent injury, cars going sideways, damage and save time in first morning ghost wash to test system. Plus you would save 10 seconds in the tunnel due to time to hook cars up on the conveyor system, roll in motion instead. Think on that.
Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/