Just when you thought you could not afford an mobile video system for your car or SUV the prices are coming down like never before and there are also many sales going on as well as cheap Chinese knockoffs hitting the market and lowering the price even more. Even for a brand name system you can pick one up for now for as low as $499. This is exciting knowing that you can outfit your car with a new Mobil video system just like you have always wanted.
Of course we also know that fuel prices are also going up and so maybe you can spend time watching videos in your car while it is parked in the driveway rather than driving around in wasting the gasoline. The mobile in car video systems industry is saying that sales are not is robust as they have thought they would be at this juncture meaning you can really get a bargain.
The industry does say that sales are O. K. and more and more people give begin to consider owning an in-car video systems due to a lower prices and then the sales will return and probably exceed expectations. Nevertheless, the cost of a gallon of gasoline does impact the industry as it takes money away from the consumer as they consider purchases for aftermarket auto accessories.
So, it is recommended that you shop all the ads for in car mobile audio systems and video systems to find the best deal because prices are coming down and this is a good time to buy. Please consider this in 2006.
Lance Winslow